October 14, 2022

4 Reasons Why You Need a Support System when in Transition

Going through any kind of transition can be tough.Whether you're transitioning into a new phase of your life, starting a new job,or moving to a new city, it's important to have a support system to help youthrough the process. Here are four reasons why having a support system is soimportant when you're in transition.

1. A support system can provide emotional stability

When you're going through a tough transition, it'snormal to feel all over the place emotionally. One minute you might be feelingconfident and excited about the future, and the next minute you might befeeling scared and unsure of yourself. Having a supportive group of peoplesurrounding you can help provide some emotional stability during these times.They can be there to listen to you when you need to vent, and they can offerwords of encouragement when you're feeling depressed.

2. A support system can offer practical assistance

In addition to providing emotional support, yourfriends and family can also offer practical assistance as you transition intosomething new. For example, if you're moving to a new city, they can help withthe packing and transportation of your belongings. If you're starting a newjob, they can help with childcare or transportation. Whatever the case may be,it's always helpful to have people around who are willing and able to lend ahelping hand.

3. A support system can provide social interaction

One of the hardest things about going through atransition is that it can sometimes make you feel isolated and alone. If you'reused to seeing your friends and family regularly, suddenly not having thatsocial interaction can be tough to adjust to. Having supportive people aroundyou can offer you a helping hand in alleviating some of that loneliness andisolation by providing much-needed social interaction.

4. A support system can offer guidance and advice

Last but not least, another plus of having a supportivegroup of people around during times of transition is that they can offerguidance and advice when needed. For example, if you're unsure of what steps totake next or how to handle certain situations, they may have the ability tooffer some insight based on their own experiences or knowledge. Additionally,if there are resources available that you're not aware of, they may be able topoint you in the right direction. If you'd like to more details about supportgroups, the Mayo Clinic has an excellent article here.

How to Prepare for a Life Transition

While reaching out to a support system during yourtransition, you can also do a few things to prepare yourself personally.

1. Define your goals

Before you can start preparing for a life transition,you need to take some time to define what your goals are. What do you hope toaccomplish during this next phase of your life? What kind of person do you wantto be? Answering these questions will aid you in developing a plan and setyourself up for success.

2. Get organized

A big life transition can be overwhelming, so it'simportant to get organized and break things down into manageable steps. Make alist of everything you need to do and tackle one thing at a time. You'll feelmore in control and with less stress if you're not trying to do everything allat once.

3. Be patient with yourself

Change can be difficult, so cut yourself some slackduring this time. It's okay if things don't go perfectly or exactly as planned.Just remember that Rome wasn't built in a day—give yourself time to adjust andsettle into your new normal.

Whether you're graduating from college, starting a newjob, getting married, or becoming a parent, life transitions can be bothexciting and daunting. No matter what kind of transition you're facing, it'simportant to take some time to prepare for the change so that you can setyourself up for success. For more information, Psychology Today lists someother recommendations here.


Going through any kind of transition can be difficult,but it's important to remember that you don't have to go through it alone.Building a supportive group of family and friends is crucial during thesetimes. They can provide emotional stability, practical assistance, socialinteraction, and guidance and advice when needed—all things that will help makethe transition process just a little bit easier for you!

Nancy Nguyen - Peer Counselor

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